STUDENT Glaze Workshop

  1. Select the Glaze Workshop Date & Time you'd like to attend. Click make a single reservation.

  2. Enter the Promotional Code, and press apply.

  3. Confirm that the balance is $0, and click check out.

  4. Confirm, and click "Place Order"

  5. Order Complete!

  6. Navigate to "My Schedule" and confirm that the booking shows up. 

  • All purchases are final, so confirm your availability prior to booking.
    • If there is space to book, you will see a Book button.
    • If the Workshop is full, you will not see any button.
  • Before heading down to the studio, please check your email to ensure you have not received a cancellation notification (hey stuff happens sometimes!)
  • You MUST be on time: if you miss setting up, the demo -or part of- you will not be allowed to participate. 
    • If you select the 630pm option, you're welcome to arrive 5-10 minutes early to get settled and find your pieces.
    • If you select the 730pm Workshop, please plan to arrive 5 minutes early so when we open the door at 730pm you are ready to go.
  • You must have your area cleaned up, and all your items on the shelf by the Glaze Workshop end time: ie. 730pm or 830pm.
  • 24 hour cancellation window- if you cancel within this timeframe you will not get your credit back. If you email us and your spot gets taken, we will re-issue your credit.

Please ensure you are around the week+ after your Workshop to pick up your pieces. ***You will not receive an email to let you know when your work is fired. You may view the Pick Up Schedule here.

If you find your work on the Reject Shelf, please read the sign to discern why your items were rejected. You may fix the concern and place it back on the shelf to be fired.

If you do not attend a Glaze Workshop in Week 8:

  • You may book a Glaze Workshop anytime in the future. Please use this link.
  • If your credit expires due to not using it, please email and we will extend the credit.
  • Glazing Workshops are now posted once a month, generally at the beginning of the month. Sometimes we update with more Workshops part way through- so keep checking the schedule :)

Have Fun!